How to surf the internet anonymously

You want to surf the Internet anonymously or want to hide your IP. There are so many reasons why you want to surf the Internet anonymously. First, we will give you a little bit information about what is IP, proxy server, VPN and Tor Browser and how to use these software or servers for hiding your identity

Every system which is connected to the Internet has a unique Internet protocol address associated with itself. An IP address basically acts as unique identity of a computer, which has been connected to the Internet. And IP address is basically computer identity on the Internet at which it can be contacted.

1.) Proxy Server : – Is like a virtual mask, for example, if I could wear a mask, and walk on the street very few people would be able to recognize me because the mask I would be wearing will hide my face which is my real identity. This is the work of proxy server which can hide your identity. Win Gate and Win Proxy are excellent software for window and for UnixSquid is the best example. If you want to use on-line server we will show you step by step how to connect on-line proxy server website.

Go to your browser and type This is a Russian proxy server website. Type an address of website at top in website address bar which you want to access. Now you are connected with the proxy server. This on-line proxy server hides your permanent location.

2.) VPN:– Is called as virtual Private Network use for protecting your sensitive data from the cyber criminal. You just only download and install on your PC and add your server location which you want to use. We will recommend you, Hotspot Shield. This is the best software for the private network.

3.) Tor Browser : – It’s a free and open network design to browse internet anonymously. Tor prevents people from tacking your location. This is the best ever browser design for privacy. If you want to know more about.


If you will combine Tor and VPN together its our guarantee nobody can track you.

Note: Do not maximize Tor browser page. Because hackers can tell the kind of computer you have with the screen size.

Always use it default screen size.

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